Analysis of Infant Factors Affecting the Incidence of Asphyxia in Newborns- a Literature Review
Asphyxia is the 2nd leading cause of newborn death in Indonesia. The purpose of this study is to review
several journals of the latest research results regarding fetal factors that affect the incidence of asphyxia in
Methods:This study uses the Literature Review method, with the protocol and evaluation in the form of
Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-analyses (PRISMA). The data used is secondary
data using four databases, namely DOAJ, PubMed, Google scholar and Proquest. Search using keywords, the
inclusion criteria of the PICOS framework is limited to the publications of the last five years.
Results: Eighteen studies were included in this review. Infant factors affecting the incidence of perinatal
asphyxia included Low birth weight (12 articles), meconium stained-amniotic fluid (11 articles), Tight nuchal
cord (6 articles), gestation age (13 articles), fetal malpresentation (8 articles)
Conclusion: The review of eighteen journals discusses Low birth weight, meconium stained-amniotic fluid,
tight nuchal cord, gestational age, fetal malpresentationwere the determinant factors of perinatal asphyxia.
Further research is needed on infant factors that affect asphyxia in newborns in another recent study.